Tuxon Ranch, Colorado
Tuxon Ranch, Colorado

Notice of Public Comment Announcement

Notice of Public Comment Period on Section 106 Draft Memorandum of Agreement for the Animas River Bridge Replacement Project

The public is invited to review and comment on a Draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for
the proposed Animas River Bridge Replacement Project in San Juan County, Colorado (CO).
The Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad (D&SNGR) will receive federal grant funding
under the Fiscal Year 2020 Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Program.
This grant will partially fund the replacement of an aging rail bridge immediately adjacent to the
current structure over the Animas River, approximately 1.5 miles south of Silverton, CO at
railroad bridge mile marker 495.

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the grant administrator, must comply with the
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) before authorizing the use of
FRA/USDOT funds to replace the bridge. Section 106 requires federal agencies to: identify and
evaluate historic properties; assess effects of the project on historic properties; and resolve any
adverse effects. The Animas River Bridge Replacement Project has been determined to have an
adverse impact on historic properties, which will be resolved through the execution of a Section
106 MOA. A Draft Section 106 MOA has been developed to codify the resolution of adverse
effects created by the project. FRA and D&SNGR now seek public comment on the Draft
Section 106 MOA and the Stipulations described within.
The Draft Section 106 MOA and its attachments can be viewed at
https://www.regulations.gov/document/FRA-2023-0010-0001. Comments can be shared
directly with the Federal Railroad Administration by visiting the regulations.gov link or by
searching regulations.gov for Docket Number FRA-2023-0010-0001. The comment period is
open [May 3-May 18, 2023].

Proud member of the American Heritage Railways Family